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Germination Characteristics of Seeds and Set-up of Seedling Tray Size in Papaya(Carica papaya)
2020-11-20 10:02
Papaya origins are rather uncertain, but there is some agreement among botanists that it originated in the lowlands of central america, between southern Mexico and Nicaragua. Green papaya to use immature fruit is important vegetable to use salad in southeast asia. There are contained vitamin, papain, and polyphenol to work antioxidant.
This experiment is carried out to investigate seedling condition and standard of seedling tray for production of green papaya under unheated vinyl greenhouse in central Korea. Sow of papaya seeds in incubator(16 hr for light and 8 hr for night, 25℃) to investigate seedling condition was not germinated during 1 month, but direct sowing in tray was expressed 80% of germination rate. Also, germination rate for time of immersion was shown 71.9% for direct seeding, 79.7% for seeding after 1 hour soaking, 76.6% for seeding after 3 hour soaking, 87.5% for seeding after 5 hour soaking, 84.4% for seeding after 7 hour soaking. For dormancy and storage condition of seeds, the result of investigation for germination rate is as follows. Sow in 3 days after seed-gathering was shown high germination rate of 74%, but was generally shown low germination rate at long time storage under room temperature, and was generally shown constant germination rate under low temperature. Growth characteristics for seeding tray standard was good in 21 and 27 porous tray, especially plant height and leaf length.
In a view of the above results, condition for seedling culture of green papaya under unheated vinyl greenhouse in central Korea was decided as direct seeding in 27 porous tray after 5 hour soaking.
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