Effects of Exogenous Sucrose Supply on Growth and Flowering of Chrysanthemum
2004-12-29 09:55 (수정일: 2004-12-29 09:55)
한국원예학회지(2004) Abstract. An attempt to increase the level of sucrose available to the plants was made in the present study by exogenous sucrose supply through xylem and also via stem injection system in chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum). Plant injected with sucrose solution developed flower faster and flower diameter was increased compared to that of sucrose-free control. In plants supplied with sucrose-free distilled water, flower development and plant growth were low compared to the plants supplied with sucrose solution but leaf area and chlorophyll content were highest. These results clearly show that the plants subjected to sucrose-free distilled water maximize the source activity, i.e. the photosynthesis for the carbohydrate production. The stem injection system delivered sucrose to the plants over 35 days. The volume injected over that period decreased at all treatments and the solution uptake for plants injected with sucrose-free distilled water was greater than those injected with sucrose solutions. Sucrose solution supplied by stem injection system also advanced floral development similar to that seen in the experiment of sucrose supply through xylem. However, there was no significant difference in the final leaf number, suggesting that flower initiation was not affected by sucrose supply under short day condition. Additional key words: chlorophyll content, Dendranthema grandiflorum, final leaf number, floral stage, stem injection